Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Everyday at 11:11

Alright. Here's something.  Hows about the Universe?

Nah. That's too much.  Too big.  Too much thinking.

Hows about wishes?

Much easier.  Wishes on pennies, shooting stars, on numbers, on clocks on flocks of birds and three-in-a-rows.  I make a lot of wishes everyday.  Maybe they're really prayers? Prayers, wishes?

Who knows? Sometimes they're one in the same, at least for me.

Did you ever make an impossible wish?  Or, at least a wish you thought was impossible and then, one days as you plod along, your impossible wish falls right into your lap . . but then you're not so sure if it's a good or a bad thing, because a lot of one-in-a-thousands had to happen for the impossible wish to breathe reality.  That's a lot of almost-too-good-to-be-true.